Interested in Bitcoin?
Here’s how to buy:
Step 1 – Press “Buy Bitcoin” and select the amount from the transaction tiers.
Step 2 – Enter your mobile phone number into the ATM using the pin pad.
Step 3 – If this is your first time visiting the ATM, you will get a text message with a code to access the ATM. Then you will set up your private PIN number. The ATM may ask you a few questions at this point like your name and address or to scan the barcode on the back of your ID using the infrared scanner next to number pad.
Step 4 – Select where you want your Bitcoin to be received. You have 3 choices:
Scan your digital wallet. Generate a QR code identifying your digital wallet address on your smart phone and scan using the infrared scanner next to the PIN pad on the ATM.
- Create a new paper wallet. The ATM will generate a receipt with two QR codes (top is public key, bottom is the private key). You can fund this paper wallet at the ATM and download the Bitcoin to a digital walletat a later time.
- Manually enter an address. You can key in your Bitcoin address manually using a keyboard on the touch screen.
Step 5 – Insert cash and take receipt. Your Bitcoin will be sent to the destination you provided.