An increasing number of consumers choose a loan to cover unexpected expenses or bridge to a short-term cash crunch between paydays without incurring revolving debt. Many consumers prefer payday loans over borrowing from friends or family members, taking out a credit card advance, asking their employer for a salary advance, paying late fees, bounced check charges or overdraft protection fees.
You need cash today, but payday’s still a few days away? Consider a loan from RepubliCash! It is quick and simple!
The following items will be reviewed by the Loan Department:
1 • Verify your employment/source of income. Please bring your most recent paycheck stub or up-to-date benefit letter. (Employed for at least 3 months minimum)
2 • Confirm your home address. Please bring a utility bill as proof of physical address. (Also accepted is a rental lease agreement or car registration)
3 • Please bring your valid government issued ID.
4 • We verify that you have an active and good standing checking account. Please bring your most recent 60 days of bank statements (last 2 months) for your checking account and your checkbook. (Account open 3 months minimum)
5 • We also accept automatic withdrawal information if you do not have checks. Please have your financial institution print your ACH account and routing number on their letterhead. This information can also often be found on your online banking account. Please bring in a printed copy. (Handwritten account numbers are not accepted).
Please fill out the application form, print it, bring it with you along with all necessary documents to insure faster service. Go to any or our 8 locations to complete the application process.
Online Applications coming soon! In the meantime, please print out and complete our PDF PayDay Loan Application.